
Hello and WELCOME to the internet home of Kate Corcino!

The site is dedicated to my own writing, yes, but it will also feature guest blogs, author interviews, and bits of the universe that I want to share. That may include anything from authors and books that I think are amazing, to fun and fascinating science, to fierce women’s issues, to geekery, cookery, and yarny goodness. You may even be exposed to the occasional obnoxious post about my children, though I’ll make a valiant effort to keep those to a minimum. *grin*

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33 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hi Katie! I am LOVING Prep for Doom. I also have to say I love to read your funny stories about your family on FB.

    I wish homeschooling had been more of a “thing” when my eldest was in school – she was both a genus IQ and severly learning disabled. She also got bullied terribly. Back then only far right religious people homeschooled – and that was after court battles in many cases. It was very hard to get permission. I did what I could after school and on vacations, but I am so jealous that you get to teach and mold your kids.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Joanne, IP and SR are the only two currently out. The next two releases will be this winter. They will be a novella from Ace’s point of view, and a full novel continuing the story of Lena and Alex and friends (currently with the editor!). 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed them! Thank you for reaching out and letting me know–it really does mean so much!!


  2. Hi Kate
    I loved Sparks Rising. In your last reply you mentioned 2 possible releases for this winter. Are they still in the works? Also, I noticed that you haven’t blogged since this summer. I hope all is well with you and your family. I’m really looking forward to the next Spark book😀


    • They are! My family and I had a rough fall/winter (which I’ll blog soon, now that it’s behind us). But I am, right this minute, working on final edits to Spark Awakening to send it off to the proofreader next week. We’re in the final stretch! I’ll be sharing the first chapter and the cover late next week, too! I’m really excited to share them with readers and so happy you’re still waiting! Thank you for sending a note! It’s good to get a friendly reader boot in the rear. 😉


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